— MEL Notepad

mel notepad with various code snippets


process selection list

string $select[] = `ls -sl`;
for ( $node in $select ) // process each
   /* ... */

if node exists

string $node = "object";
if ( `objExists $node` )
   // The node exists


Strip component

string $node = "pCube1.f[2]";
string $no_component = `match "^[^\.]*" $node`;
// Result: "pCube1" //

Extract component or attribute, with ‘.’

string $node = "pCube1.f[2]";
string $component = `match "\\..*" $node`;
// Result: ".f[2]" //

string $nodeAttr = "blinn1.color";
string $attrName = `match "\\..*" $nodeAttr`;
// Result: ".color" //

Extract attribute name, without ‘.’

string $node = "pCube1.f[2]";
string $component = `substitute "^[^.]*\\." $node ""`;
// Result: "f[2]" //

string $nodeAttr = "blinn1.color";
string $attrName = `substitute "^[^.]*\\." $nodeAttr ""`;
// Result: "color" //

Extract parent UI control from full path

string $uiControl = "OptionBoxWindow|formLayout52|formLayout55|button6";
string $uiParent = `substitute "|[^|]*$" $uiControl ""`;
// Result: OptionBoxWindow|formLayout52|formLayout55 //

Strip trailing Line Break (\n), if any.This is useful when processing text input read from a file using fgetline.

string $input = "line\n";
$string $line = `match "^[^(\r\n)]*" $input`;
// Result: "line" //

Extract directory from path. Keep the trailing slash for ease of use.

string $path = "C:/AW/Maya5.0/bin/maya.exe";
string $dir = `match "^.*/" $path`;
// Result: "C:/AW/Maya5.0/bin/"

Extract file from path

string $path = "C:/AW/Maya5.0/bin/maya.exe";
string $filepart = `match "[^/\\]*$" $path`;
// Result: "maya.exe"

Strip numeric suffix

string $node = "pCube1|pCubeShape223";
string $noSuffix = `match ".*[^0-9]" $node`;
// Result: "pCube1|pCubeShape"

Extract numeric suffix

string $node = "pCube1|pCubeShape223";
string $suffix = `match "[0-9]+$" $node`;
// Result: "223" //

Extract short name of DAG or control path

string $dagPath = "pCube1|pCubeShape223";
string $shortName = `match "[^|]*$" $dagPath`;
// Result: pCubeShape223 //

more references