— Maya render bat batch file
*.bat file structure
REM // .bat comment syntax
C:\Progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\render -s 1 -e 30 -im output_image myscene.ma
C:\Progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\render -s 1 -e 30 -im output_image2 anotherscene.ma
The path to render.exe must be the 8.3 character DOS version. To execute the file, save as a *.bat and double click it in Explorer.
// Render Flags
usage: Render <options> <filename>
where <filename> is a Maya ASCII or a Maya Binary file.
startFrame -s <float> starting frame for an animation sequence
endFrame -e <float> end frame for an animation sequence
byFrame -b <float> by frame (or step)
for an animation sequence
startExtension -se <int> starting number for the output image
frame file name extensions
byExtension -be <int> by extension (or step) for the output
image frame file name extension
extensionPadding -pad <int> number of digits in the output image
frame file name extension
project -proj <dir> project directory to use
renderDirectory -rd <path> directory in which to store image file
image -im <filename> image file output name (identical to -p)
pix -p <filename> image file output name (identical to -im)
mayaExtension -me <boolean> append maya file name to image name
if true
mayaFormat -mf <boolean> append image file format to image name
if true
cameraOverride -cam <name> all subsequent -im -p -ar -sa flags
apply only to <camera_name>
(specifying '-cam <camera_name>' enables
rendering for that camera). If '-cam
<camera_name>' is on the command line,
then only the camera(s) specified on the
command line will be rendered.
gamma -g <float> gamma value
ignoreFilmGate -ifg <boolean> use the film gate for rendering if false
imageHeight -ih <int> height of image in pixels
imageWidth -iw <int> width of image in pixels
deviceAspectRatio -ard <float> device aspect ratio for the rendered image
aspectRatio -ar <float> aspect ratio for the film aperture
maximumMemory -mm <int> renderer maximum memory use
(in Megabytes)
motionBlur -mb <boolean> motion blur on/off
motionBlurByFrame -mbf <float> motion blur by frame
shutterAngle -sa <float> shutter angle for motion blur (1-360)
motionBlur2D -mb2d <boolean> motion blur 2D on/off
blurLength -bll <float> 2D motion blur blur length
blurSharpness -bls <float> 2D motion blur blur sharpness
smoothValue -smv <int> 2D motoin blur smooth value
smoothColor -smc <boolean> 2D motion blur smooth color on/off
keepMotionVector -kmv <boolean> keep motion vector for 2D motion blur on/off
useFileCache -uf <boolean> use the tessellation file cache
optimizeInstances -oi <boolean> dynamically detects similarly
tessellated surfaces
reuseTessellations -rut <boolean> reuse render geometry to
generate depth maps
useDisplacementBbox -udb <boolean> use the displacement bounding box scale to
optimize displacement-map performance
enableDepthMaps -edm <boolean> enable depth map usage
enableRayTrace -ert <boolean> enable ray tracing
reflections -rfl <int> maximum ray-tracing reflection level
refractions -rfr <int> maximum ray-tracing refraction level
renderLayers -rl <boolean|name> render each layer separately
renderPasses -rp <boolean|name> render passes separately
renderSubdirs -rs <boolean> render layer output placed in subdirectories
shadowLevel -sl <int> maximum ray-tracing shadow ray depth
edgeAntiAliasing -eaa <quality> The anti-aliasing quality of EAS
(Abuffer). One of highest high medium low
useFilter -ufil <boolean> if true, use the multi-pixel filtering
otherwise use single pixel filtering.
pixelFilterType -pft <filter> when useFilter is true, identifies one of the
following filters: box, triangle
gaussian, quadraticbspline, plugin
shadingSamples -ss <int> global number of shading samples
per surface in a pixel
maxShadingSamples -mss <int> maximum number of adaptive shading
samples per surface in a pixel
visibilitySamples -mvs <int> number of motion blur visibility samples
maxVisibilitySamples -mvm <int> maximum number of motion blur
visibility samples
volumeSamples -vs <int> global number of volume shading samples
particleSamples -pss <int> number of particle visibility samples
redThreshold -rct <float> red channel contrast threshold
greenThreshold -gct <float> green channel contrast threshold
blueThreshold -bct <float> blue channel contrast threshold
coverageThreshold -cct <float> pixel coverage contrast threshold
(default is 1.0/8.0)
outputFormat -of <format> output image file format. One of: si soft
softimage, gif, rla wave wavefront, tiff
tif, tiff16 tif16, sgi rgb, sgi16 rgb16
alias als pix, iff tdi explore maya, jpeg
jpg, eps, maya16 iff16, cineon cin fido,
qtl quantel, tga targa, bmp
shadowPass -sp <boolean> generate shadow depth maps only
abortOnMissingTexture -amt abort renderer when encountered missing texture
dontReplaceRendering -rep do not replace the rendered image if it already exists
verbose -verbose <boolean> perform the render verbosely if on
iprFile -ipr create an IPR file
xResolution -x <int> set X resolution of the final image
yResolution -y <int> set Y resolution of the final image
xLeft -xl <int> set X sub-region left pixel boundary
of the final image
xRight -xr <int> set X sub-region right pixel boundary
of the final image
yLow -yl <int> set Y sub-region low pixel boundary
of the final image
yHigh -yh <int> set Y sub-region high pixel boundary
of the final image
displayLayer -l <name> one or more displayLayer names to render
numberOfProcessors -n <int> number of processors to use. 0 indicates
use all available.
tileWidth -tw <int> force the width of the tiles. Valid valu
are between 16 and 256.
tileHeight -th <int> force the height of the tiles. Valid values
are between 16 and 256.
-cont allow renderer to continue when it hits errors
-keepPreImage keep the renderings prior to post-process around
any boolean works: yes, true, or 1, as TRUE,and off, no, false, or 0 as FALSE.
example: Render -x 512 -y 512 -cam persp -im test -of sgi -mb on -sa 180 file.ma