— PHP File Browser Scripts
These scripts offer some handy features for browsing files/folders on a webserver.
Source on GitHub.
A fancy index script for browsing folders.
- Tested with PHP 7.2.30 and 7.4.6
- Classical text-only view with HTML table
- Sortable by columns
- Single file for easy including
- Easy to customize
- BSD license
- Ignore Dotfiles (hidden files)
- Date Format for file mod fime
- Show Line Numbers
- Sort folders seperately
- Calculate folder sizes
- Show file sizes
- Show file type (based on extension)
- Show file modified date
- Natural sort file tree (ignore case)
- File and Folder Excludes
A index script that generates thumbnail gallery for images and displays READMEs. This is an experiment and WIP.
- Tested with PHP 7.2.30
- Generate thumbs and create gallery for images
- Preview audio files
- Single file for easy including
- Easy to customize
- Display ‘README’ if present
- BSD license